natural royal honey
natural royal honey : 1) What is natural royal para que sirve royal honey honey ?? Royal honey is honey that has been naturally fermented by being left in the beehives for an extended time period. It looks more like a jelly than a liquid, and it is known to have higher nutritional and medicinal value as compared to ordinary honey. 2) Where is royal honey found?? Royal honey comes in a few different varieties. natural royal honey The most popular is royal jelly, made by the honey bee (Apis mellifera). You can also find royal jelly products created by the Japanese honey bee (Apis cerana japonica). These two varieties come from Asia, while royal jelly from the European honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) comes mostly from Central and Eastern Europe. 3) When will the honey be royal?? Originally, royal jelly is the phlegm of young bees, which the workers give to the larvae that the queen bee lays in special royal cells. Royal jelly is secreted by young worker bees in the early stages of dev...